The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. General Chat ::. Flash VS HTML5 - will flash die?

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~Matt Esch~

Stone Goose


VIP Member
9th February, 2011 at 13:12:38 -

The trouble with html5 is that it seems to be pushing the whole webapps thing down our necks, which I really hate (because I don't or rarely use webapps or play flash games). I am wondering what browser implementations are going to do to html5, and I wonder how many proprietary functions are going to exist. Back in the day of activex, Internet Explorer invented its own standards to grab a portion of the market and keep it. It appears that google are taking a similar approach in some aspects with their chrome browser (exposed javascript functions?) but it's not nearly as bad. The trouble with the web in general is that there are various interpretations of the standard. At least with flash the implementations are controlled by a single body of people who can make everything consistent, without having a bias towards any browser in particular. The canvas for video is all I really care about, and there have been arguments about the video encoding standards already, though I think we are converging to an open standard. Other than video I can't think of anything else I would appreciate html5 for. Flash isn't going to die unless people stop using it, but that means ditching all of the existing content. Perhaps flash will evolve into a minimal javascript runtime that uses html5 standards anyway, and this will take care of any cross-browser issues, much like jQuery does. That way adobe will still be producing tools for building web apps. I suppose there is the possibility of having an additional plugin to support the older content as well that uses the new technology. Image



Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberPicture Me This Round 30 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 39 Winner!Kliktober Special Award Tag
9th February, 2011 at 16:48:12 -

I sure hope HTML5 kills not only Flash, but 2D gaming altogether.

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Possibly Insane


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9th February, 2011 at 17:26:58 -

Both flash and HTML5 will die, that's a fact. The only open question is "when".

But yeah, it will be interesting to see how fast HTML5 will pick up. To be honest, I don't have enough knowledge to be able to produce even an guesstimation, so I'll just sit back and see how things eventually turn out.



9th February, 2011 at 19:14:17 -

"I sure hope HTML5 kills not only Flash, but 2D gaming altogether"

I SECOND that. It's 2011 FFS and still 50% of the games people play are 2D.



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Candy Cane
9th February, 2011 at 19:20:42 -

Originally Posted by Roncho
"I sure hope HTML5 kills not only Flash, but 2D gaming altogether"

I SECOND that. It's 2011 FFS and still 50% of the games people play are 2D.

You're speaking absolute nonsense and generating your own random statistics.



9th February, 2011 at 20:31:49 -

Uhh. I am not allowed to have an opinion now? And who cares about statistics, are you the king of nit pickers?





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9th February, 2011 at 20:38:19 -

No, after you have 276 dc points then you can have an opinion.

And even then...ask first.



9th February, 2011 at 20:40:25 -

I will ask Nastyman for more points then




I am an April Fool
9th February, 2011 at 21:45:09 -

Originally Posted by monkeythreat

There's some profanity, but his points are valid and I agree with what he says.

this guy is so full of shit.

it just reminds me why i hate apple and its user base and i would just love to shit down his throat after ive listened to his BS for 2 minutes and thats put a nice way...

so when does he start talking about html and flash because after fapping to apple for a way too long time and telling everybody else they are stupid for not joining a big jerk off session aimed towards apple i just couldnt bear with it any longer.



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
9th February, 2011 at 21:57:22 -

Haha, thats what I dislike about Apple fanboys too. Its all good becuase Steve Jobs told me so, and its also GLOSSY!



Hero of Time Jr


VIP MemberI donated an open source project
9th February, 2011 at 22:02:13 -

Originally Posted by marky_2
I sure hope HTML5 kills not only Flash, but 2D gaming altogether.

Have you no soul? I guess people these days are graphics w****s...

If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program.
The rest of them will write Perl programs.


TDC is my stress ball


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Candy Cane
9th February, 2011 at 22:21:03 -

How is it glossy? It has about 2mm of greasy finger prints all over it.



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
9th February, 2011 at 22:53:22 -

Was glossy then . I am thinking of making a paper called "The Magpie effect in electronics consumer products", and it will discuss the marketing strategy of making a product extrememely glossy and shiny to attract customers, at the disadvantage of severe greasy figerprints during real life practical use.



Possibly Insane

12th February, 2011 at 18:10:42 -

How could I've missed this thread?

Flash and html5 are both getting hardware support and that should make them run faster, so it's going to be pretty cool race.

But can do 3D, but I think html5 has an advantage because webGL is based on openGL ES 2.0 and thus a familiar domain for programmers.

Don't forget that flash is a plugin and html5 stuff is natively supported.

Can flash be easily sandboxed?



God's God


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I am an April Fool
13th February, 2011 at 00:39:09 -

Originally Posted by -Adam-

Originally Posted by Roncho
"I sure hope HTML5 kills not only Flash, but 2D gaming altogether"

I SECOND that. It's 2011 FFS and still 50% of the games people play are 2D.

You're speaking absolute nonsense and generating your own random statistics.

I completely agree with Adam. Just because it's 2011 does not mean 2D games are obsolete. Unless of course you completely forgot what gaming was all about, which is to be fun. Not every game has to be 3D. In fact, it's actually extremely annoying that 2D seems to be a dying trend.
Games like Limbo, Braid, Castle Crashers, and a wide variety of other 2D games are a fantastic and refreshing reminder of why we play videogames. If you disagree, fine, but do not shove your narrow opinion down other peoples throat like it's a fact because it's far from it.

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