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God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
14th August, 2003 at 23:05:44 -

If you agree with me in any of these, please say so, so if an admin (ShadowCaster and/or Rikus) can see how many people go with what I say & hopefully change it.

#1: Take off the need for game to be checked over! I mean, yeah admins will have to delete unless junk, but they are on atleast once a day, so its not like the the junk will be on DC for days on end.

#2: Instead of just Thumbs up, add a 1-10, or 1-5 feature in!

#3: Make the little mail icon blink when you have DC mail.

#4: Make it possable that once we get past the Newbie rating, be able to make are own, this would be a cool, & quit funny feature!

#5: Have 2 download sections, 1 for Full games, & 1 for Demos. This would give a chance for people to tell more about the game in the game type instead of just (Demo).

#6: A news page. This would give users a chance to add news about them selfs, there websites, or there games for others to see. It would be alot like the home page, only people will be able to add the news. (Admins would need to check over news before it appears.)

#7: The abilty to edit previews.

#8: The abilty to warn users that tick us off. Warnings over 60% would disable adding stuff to DC, mailing, & so on until it wares down.

#9: Be able to rate articals 1-10, or rate them Thumbs Up
or Thumbs Down.

#10: Be able to have passwords returned to you when you have been logged in for mounths & then DC suddenly kicks you out. =-o "I forgot my password!"

Its happened. Beleave me!

Like I said, DC used to be a VERY fun place to be! So please post if you agree with me on these features, if enough of us do, we may just be able to get them into DC!

Kirby Smith

Resident Slacker


VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerThe Cake is a Lie
14th August, 2003 at 23:22:07 -

#1: Agree
#2: Agree
#3: Agree
#4: Sure, why not...
#5: They Are Already Sorted
#6: Disagree. See Below
#7: Yes, this is a must have. I think what we actually need is just the ablity to set up a game page (which then links to previews, reviews, dev-logs, media etc. about that game). It's kind of like the current system, but more streamlined.
#8: That would be a bad idea. Having that kind of power just invites trouble.
#9: Rating articles would rock. The ability to sort them would be nice too.
#10: Agree

XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir


Crazy for News

15th August, 2003 at 01:09:38 -

1. No, this could very easy be abused and it has been abused in the past (Anyone remember those days? I sure do)

2. Maybe

3. Oh yea i have been bugging shadow for that

4. Mmm interesting would like to see others opinions on this

5. Maybe

6. Interesting a separate news page.. shadow?

7. Oh yea should be next on the to do list

8. No can be abused

9. maybe

10. Is also on shadows to do list

There ya go

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Possibly Insane

15th August, 2003 at 03:36:25 -

1. This was added because people complained that too many games were being added that didnt work, etc. This gives the admins the opportunity to check the download url, check the size has been entered correctly, check the genre, check the screenshots, check the material of the game is suitable, and so on. This wont be changed, sorry.

2. That will require removing all the previous votes, downloading the database, updating it and reuploading, not to mention creating 2 or 3 more scripts. Perhaps in the future after more important things, but at this stage the thumbs system does the job.

3. I said this should be in it from the start, but Rikus said not to bother... SO BLAME HIM! This will be placed on my Todo list.

4. Nope, sorry.

5. Already implemented.

6. If people want news added they can send it to us via DC Mail. That is really no different to them submitting it in a form with a different name and having us check it before accepting it, like you suggested.

7. I'd like to add an Edit button to everything, but they take a bloody long time to script. This is on my Todo list.

8. As the other said, I dont think this is going to happen.

9. I've been wanting to add this, it is added to the Todo list.

10. Already implemented ( ).


"Now I guess we're... 'Path-E-Tech Management'" -Dilbert


Possibly Insane

15th August, 2003 at 06:18:39 -

I don't get your point here.

I go for one till five!

Jup would be nice!

That would be cool, so you can enter your team name or software name, or anything you like!

Have no opinion on this one.

Send news to one of the admins and if they find it important, they'll post it.

Might be a handy future, but just double check before clicking further.

Yeah, some kind of system that will stop a user for a few days,
so he doesn't goes to far with his actions.
The admin could just "bootleg" his account.

Please do rating with 1-10 or 1-5 and not thumbs up or thumbs down.
Because that way there only is a possibility between good or bad.
Instead of i like this article, i love it or i hate it.
Make more options, not everything is bad if it's not good.

Already exists.

Mainly, they're should be more control over things posted other than in the boards.



God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
15th August, 2003 at 09:19:57 -

It would be nice to have a memeber discription to a person, & have a Newbie rating in the discription until they submitted atleast 1 of something to DC. Then have a rating not showing DC points, but showing how people like the person. So people can vote members 1-10.


15th August, 2003 at 09:25:55 -

In my opinion, being able to have your own rating would be a great improvement, but then again, I don't run this site...

Clicking; a hobby, an addiction, an obsession.


15th August, 2003 at 09:45:28 -

How about making the mail thing to the left not tell you how many mails you've got saved in your mailbox, but how many of those are new. I always log on and see "Oh, 3 mails, wow!!" and I realize I have already read them. Frustrating.

Its hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.


Possibly Insane


VIP Member
15th August, 2003 at 10:00:47 -

1. Yes, because i dont think admins virus-scan games as well.
2. Yes
3. yes.
4. I have wanted this since i joined last year.
5. Everyone wants that, so do I.
6. Good idea but i foresee that coming a chaos riot.
7. Hell yes.
8. Bit unfair aint isn't it?
9. Yes
10. yes.

here are some extras:

1. Boards are good as well as mails. But both are too slow, why cant we have a chat room or a built in msn messenger.
2. Maybes too make this website a little bit is if anyone starts to swear and be horrible to people, get a warning or remove Dc points (yes even me).
3. I know we use website links for screenshots, games, avatars for example but isn't there are way how we could just upload them from our computer?
4. Can members get awards like if person "x" won GOTW and somebody checked in person "x" profile, they would see an award. Im not bothered if this happens or not
5. Can't we have a pet monkey to walk around the screen and junk

Formerly known as "Spiderhead".

Returned after four years. for more infomation

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

15th August, 2003 at 10:23:47 -

"a built in msn messenger."

what do you mean? a TDC chat app like MSN Messenger?

actually i think that would be doable; if someone had the time and will, and a dedicated server to house the inis (used for member lists etc).


Possibly Insane


VIP Member
15th August, 2003 at 10:53:29 -

well... yes pete

Formerly known as "Spiderhead".

Returned after four years. for more infomation


Savior of the Universe

15th August, 2003 at 11:04:34 -

#1: That would lead to broken links and people posting pr0n
#2: agreed
#3: agreed
#4: TK had that, except you could change other people's tags. It would be cool, but it could soon become obscene
#5: agreed
#6: You mean like a bio page?
#7: agreed
#8: That would lead to major flame and ban wars. So no.
#9: Agreed



15th August, 2003 at 11:13:08 -

Go and use MSN Messenger. Or get Andrew Mather to add a Daily Click room to V-Chat.


Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

15th August, 2003 at 11:19:18 -

fire, get your head out of spiderhead's arse. i was actually being serious.


Possibly Insane

15th August, 2003 at 12:28:15 -


You prolly mean a database to store member details
or something like that.


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