Wtf this is such an awesome idea... in addition to the chat areas there could be minigames and stuff you can play with friends. Also maybe people could submit their own custom avatars? I might be able to help out too, I'm not a very good coder, but I can do graphics and music. If anyone needs to contact me, my MSN Messenger is
If any one else wants to help with the graphics (characters and accessories etc.) just DC Mail me, or contact me on messenger (see somewhere above, or look in profile) because there's still quite a few things left to do.
So far there is 15 people (well, 14. But im not stopping anyone using the white guy) and a few objects, such as plants tables and chairs. Also there's a wierd bushy thing...
Normally im online at around 7:00 pm (GMT) so, obviously it will be hard for me to cantact you if you live somewhere like America, or Australia, unless you feel like going online very early in the morning.