lol it'd be pretty hard to take out some guys kneecaps with an ingram. YOu'd either miss, or hit him all over the place. I'd trust a beebee gun with it's more accurate shot. But it'd be pretty useless lol.
My GF helps out with my game every so often... But yeah, we get bored of that real quick. Anywho, I think Dogzers problem is that he... er she... er lets just say it has multiple personalites. Yeah you should get that checked out before you like explode... er implode... er lets just say... Damn I lost my train of thought. Henceforth, if anyone wants to do some backyard pro wrestling, I'm right here in Chicago, so feel free to drop in.
uhmmmm.... talk about active objects.. AFTER SEX? I dont see that happening.
think of it this way.. do u like to talk to girls? no, no one wants.. u are just there for the sex.. So u pay to go to the movies to see bad movies.. u pay for a dance club.. unless your gf is a drug adict slut (or whores as they like to be called) u would be paying 50 bux per sex.. so in the end is much cheaper to pay for an actual prostitute, u know?
And when it comes to active object talking, or any kind of non-girl talking.. u can just find the 1st geek u find while walking down the street and start talking to him, "hey, how about those active objects eh?"
It's a good thing I know you're joking, or else I would think
I'm the only person here who truly appreciates women.
Edited by the Author.
-Above post is ancient and probably irrelevant-
An old account of mine, recently cleared out. It's a blast to the past, the age was marked as 14 when I found it. If you know where to look, you can track me. Au revoir.
I like talking with my girlfriend... In fact I wish she'd talk more. And Dogzer, if you think that no guy want's to talk to any girl and only want's them for sex, you are very mistaken. The only reason you hear about it so much is the fact that alot of girls act stupid and go out with guys that act like that. Henceforth, (heh, that's great) If you are a girl, you must have been in many troubled relationships that ended... whatever you know what I mean. And if you are a guy, you must think that all guys think like you. So therefore... Okay I lost my train of thought but I think I made my Peoint. (Excellent Spelling)