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Deleted User
20th April, 2004 at 09:08:28 -
I know that someone else posted a topic about this but I think if everyone who is a good coder and a spriter team up to make the best click game I think we would make it. Maybe even online. Just think of it. You make your player, dress him/her as you like and go to the game inside. Similar to Star Wars: Galaxies. Where hundreds of people can go in and chat with them in the game. So anybody wouldn't it be a cool idea?
Retired Kliker Lazarus The Ed Wood JR of TDC
Registered 18/07/2003
Points 7363
20th April, 2004 at 10:43:09 -
Yah, it was probebly me. It was an idea about a street-fighter game staring really cool click-game characters. But everyone else said that it would be better if we actually had CLICKERS fight each other. It was a really good idea (I mean a Clicker against clicker game). But it just never got off the ground.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
X_Sheep I had a custom rating before it was cool
Registered 01/03/2004
Points 1313
20th April, 2004 at 10:50:43 -
There's already a game in the works about Click Island
Deleted User
20th April, 2004 at 13:40:50 -
But that's not TDC
Retired Kliker Lazarus The Ed Wood JR of TDC
Registered 18/07/2003
Points 7363
20th April, 2004 at 13:51:56 -
We all should try to make "Battle Of The Clickers." It would be a cool project. And X-Sheep- How is that like a Clicker Battle game?
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
Broomie iInfamous/i
Registered 30/08/2002
Points 929
20th April, 2004 at 15:44:32 -
It was Ashman, he started a thread called "OMGz!! Wacky Ideaz!! The whole point of his "wacky idea" was to make a a fighting game out of the many klikkers at the Daily Click, he was going to call it Klik Karnage (spelt with a K!!!!) and I was actually thinking he was serious about it and had the confidence to do it. I even made a FULLY animated sprite for it, once then proud of, now I just laugh at how shit it was. It was soon after I met the real Ashman and lost all hope in this project succeeding, now he get's numerous emails from moi asking for my goddamn sprite back!
Anyway it's just one of those overhyped projects which ends up being flushed down the shithole. BTW most of that stuff above it pretty much made up. lolz123
- Space Quest II Deluxe -
Muggus Possibly Insane
Registered 31/07/2002
Points 2958
21st April, 2004 at 00:56:28 -
Yeah, Klik Karnage was suppose to be a game where DCer's battle it out made by Ashman. I also made a sprite for it too, and it was pretty good for something made by me. But now it's gawn and I can't find it, so i'm not happy about that...and the fact KK was canned.
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Deleted User
21st April, 2004 at 02:37:07 -
Well why not start again?
Registered 03/04/2003
Points 853
21st April, 2004 at 03:19:30 -
Well it would require that someone wanted to make the actual game ...
However the whole idea about a "TDC-game" is not bad at all ... what the actual game should be all about I dont know ...
If you knew, I would have to kill you...
Deleted User
21st April, 2004 at 03:27:16 -
I think it should be a top view game cause the gfx will be a lot easier to draw. Maybe something like Ultima Online instead you gather DC points in the game
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
21st April, 2004 at 07:12:49 -
Yeah, I thought about making a mmorpg where everyone just walked around and chatted. Sort of like an interactive chatroom. But the name "The Daily Chat" was taken . If someones serious in doing graphics I may consider it again.
Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.
Deleted User
21st April, 2004 at 07:32:37 -
Well inorder for everybody to know about the news we have to spread it out don't we? Then we'll surely find people to co-operate with.
Muggus Possibly Insane
Registered 31/07/2002
Points 2958
21st April, 2004 at 07:35:45 -
I reckon a community interactive chatroom game type of thing would be pretty cool.
You could pretty much have users submit their sprites, or have their avatars as their characters. Pretty cool concept.
Come and annoy me more at
Deleted User
21st April, 2004 at 07:50:40 -
Yeah I agree, it's a good idea!
CYS Oldie
Registered 03/01/2002
Points 1523
21st April, 2004 at 09:28:02 -
I really wonder why we should divide ourselves in those TDC-ers, Clickislanders and maybe even the Natomicians which many of you here hates. Klikers are klikers, we shouldn't be divided into different communities. Get what i mean?
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