Do you ever feel unsure what to think of a particular member of this glorious site? As caring and sharing community members I feel it would be a positively splendid idea to post helpful, unbiast, informative reviews of other members of this wonderful site and community to help new users get a grip on things. Here's a few to get the ball rolling:
Dave "Dave C" C, longtime member of the relatively inconsequentual group Cystine Creations or something like that, has finally been nailed down and taken apart by an expert review team (yours truly), and the results posted here! For the many clueless clickers who have really have no idea what to think of this Nintendo-loving, wiggerism-spounting, WWE-loving individual - now is the time to finally make up your minds!
Name: Dave "Dave C" C
Age: 12?
Likes: Naked sweaty men touching each other, nintendo
Dislikes: Pete Natress
Contribution: Dave's made only one game he feels is properly decent at the moment; Fighting Spirit. Standard fare platform adventure game, your everyday ninja comes home to find his garden infested with spiders and enemy ninjas and sets out to set things straight. Nothing worth talking about, but more than your average community member. He also informs me he's made other, smaller games, like "Runner". I have not infact played this on account of it being called Runner, but Dave tells me he and his mates played it for hours. Keeping in mind his mates have wrestling dates marked on their calendars, I was not persuaded to include anything but Fighting Spirit under his list of accomplishments. 7/10
Potential: Dave's self-proclaimed retrophilia is what is really holding him back from reaching his true potential. He'd just as happily make Christmas Police Mario than anything even slightly original. His up-and-coming game "Dave C's Adventures" featured a fat, naked little boy from a NES game running around instead of himself (who I assume is the star of the game). Surely this obsession with long-dead games has to stop before he can advance any further. 6/10
Personality: What I feel is Dave's strongest area, Dave's cool, I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude is what really keeps us coming back for more at the end of the day. He wouldn't really care if you liked or hated him, Dave would gladly invite you into his MSN group-chat circlejerks provided you could amuse him and the knuckle-dragging, beer-chugging, WWE lovers he asossiates with. Despite my best efforts, Dave remains impervious to even the strongest insults. Dave joining #K&P in it's peak hours can be likened to Martin Luther King happily jumping into a Ku Klux Klan football match, but amazingly he ends each encounter exactly the same way he came in. This is a quality I really admire in Dave, but he is not without his previously mentioned faults. 8/10
-Isn't afraid to tell it like it is and lay it to The Man
-Doesn't even remember how many times he's been banned from the Daily Click
-Likes WWE
-Says "u" and "ppl"
Despite his lack of ambition in the game-making department, Dave C's roguish charm combined with his lack of respect for authorites make him one to look out for. Those with thin skin may find him insulting at worst, but beneath his mischievous exterior Dave really has a heart of gold. 7/10
Did You Know?
Dave once hosted 23 consecutive WWE pay per views
Name: Jim "Nobuyuki" Biggs
Age: 19 or something
Likes: Anime, The 80s, Japan, The Scene
Dislikes: People who don't know what The Scene is, being called Mexican
Commonly known as ‘nobu’ or ‘fat mexican’, Nobuyuki is the click communities resident know-it-all and retro NES musician. And by ‘know-it-all’ I really mean ‘sounds-like-he-knows-it-all’, because you’ll find after any extended conversation that Nobu’s probably no smarter than you except on his most preferred topics. Before I get into any more detail though, let’s start with his contribution.
You’ve probably played Hypergem 3 or Soccer Freak. The latter is a silly game of luck and patience and physical tolerance in which you have to bounce a ball around. Hypergem 3 was a hit though and the high point of Nobu’s progression to fame/infamy. He’s released a couple of other mini games and, he’ll be the first to admit, that these are pretty much the only type of thing he can be bothered to make.
As mentioned earlier, quite the pseudo-genius, but its only fair I admit he’s an interesting person to talk to. However, from an extremely unreliable and biased source (Podunkian) I hear he’s a nightmare to make games with!
A noteworthy quirk of his is a really stupidly obscure sense of humour. If you give it enough thought you might be able cough out an unenthusiastic chuckle but only if you can actually recognize the source of the joke. Although he’s only 19 or something at the time of writing, he claims to have quite a memory of the 80s and its music/TV/etc. A lot of his jokes originate from these and various unpopular websites. If you don’t believe me, visit #k&p one day and see if you get the topic. You won’t.
High, if you’re in the market for anime cat-girl* artists and Nintendo game music. Sadly, his skills seem to be going nowhere fast because he knows what he likes and doesn’t try anything new.
-‘Interesting’ person
-Advanced skills in Nintendo music production
-Released 1 good game
-Thinks he would be a good fashion designer
-Occasionally arrogant
-Advanced skills in Nintendo music production
-Obscure and esoteric sense of humour
-An op in #k&p
Overall you shouldn’t get the wrong idea; I don’t hate Nobuyuki. I don’t even dislike him, but if I was any more positive you might think I was a fag and this wouldn’t be funny. Anyway, I strongly urge you to trial this member and if you like him, share him with your friends or Play Online™! I mean, talk to him on irc…
* Yes, I know you were just WAITING for me to mention those