The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. Buzz dodge ball mini

Buzz dodge ball mini
Author: AndyUK Submitted: 15th October, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 208

This is a very basic game
You must dodge the balls for as long as you can. More balls appear after a while and you can collect extra points every now and then.

I made this ages ago when i was new to click products but ive rewrote the whole thing since. It doesnt use the built in platform engine.

I made a buzz dodge ball 1 then made this one with a smaller screen size, it also had a smaller filesize hence the name 'Buzz dodge ball mini'

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Posted by AndyUK 18th October, 2003

i just realised this is the version that does use the built in engine it doesnt matter much anyway
Posted by Spram 18th October, 2003

Mini review: You control a "cool mascot" and using the built-in platform engine you jump and avoid balls, if a ball hits you it ends. The more time you survive, the more score you get. As time passes, more balls come into play. It's super simple. But I liked the mascot, kinda like a mix between Crash bandicoot and a mouse.
Posted by AndyUK 19th October, 2003

i think he looks like the warner brothers taz mainian devil im glad you think he is cool.





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