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Sonic smash (demo)
Author: AndyUK Submitted: 4th July, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 321

Edited By AndyUK on 7/4/2005

Edited By AndyUK on 7/4/2005

This is a sonic fangame demo. Like a lot of Sonic fangames nowadays this uses the 360 degree running movement developed by Clwe and Damizean.

What will make this different from other fangames is that it will be made with The games factory so it's a challenge for me to make the levels full of objects since they will be quite large. This level will take about 2 minutes to get from one side to the other.

Some things are ripped from sonic 3, the background tiles aren't but the sonic sprite is and springs, spikes rings etc.

(these were added to the engine by me)

spindash = down+shift
Roll =down+whilst running

getting hit
spin tubes


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Posted by arpgme 4th July, 2005

Wow, what game maker was this made with? I am asumming MMF or KNK or TGF
Posted by Cazra 4th July, 2005

you can't die
Posted by Assault Andy 5th July, 2005

I don't know why everone is insulting it. I found it quite enjoyable to play, the only thing I found annoying was the need to press shift so much to do a fast spindash. Otherwise it was really fun. Good job.
Posted by Ski 5th July, 2005

neither do i thats an amazing engine, really good and really close to the real thing!
Posted by Flava 5th July, 2005

I quite like it - level design is pretty awesome. Needs more rings, power ups and robot thingies though :)
Posted by DaVince 5th July, 2005

VERY good engine. Some people are real retards here. Like the first three people.
Posted by AndyUK 5th July, 2005

Well it's not my engine but i did add lots to it. It definately will improve. But i'm glad most like it. I can easily sort out the spindash and problems with rolling on loops. Also the baddies will get more events. And i agree with the gravity being light at the moment. Sorry Bibinson i did NOT use path movement at all it's all event based.
Posted by thinlikenate 5th July, 2005

The level design is pretty good. I don't think it's "WAY TO LONG.*" It felt like a Sonic the Hedgehog level. I don't see why everyone has such a problem with the spindash though. It seemed to work fine for me. Duck, tap, tap, tap, go. *You're an idiot.
Posted by AndyUK 5th July, 2005

It's not as long as some real sonic levels and the spindash it a little off right now but i will have it sorted. I think bibinson is being like he is because it's a sonic fangame.
Posted by AndyUK 6th July, 2005

Yeah, he jumps a fixed distance no matter what, i may have to look into that one too.
Posted by hishnak 6th July, 2005

Good job, I like it.
Posted by hishnak 6th July, 2005

Good job, I like it. The running animation did keep on going up to 100 but thats not critical.
Posted by kjarom 6th July, 2005

WOW. AndyUK, that felt like I was playing Sonic for Sega Genesis again...great engine! The loops and everything felt smooth and fine. The game is easily the best Sonic fangame I ever played, can't wait for the finished version!
Posted by kjarom 6th July, 2005

Well, easily the best Sonic fangame for TGF I've ever played, rather.
Posted by AndyUK 6th July, 2005

Cheers. I know the problem for the animations, some diagonal directions had higher minimum speeds than their maximums.
Posted by Derek_Reaves 6th July, 2005

Well I like the idea of making a sonic fangame with an ACTUAL engine. Its a very very nice engine, and is well made , but IMO It feels almost nothing like sonic. The way you cling to surfaces when you run,etc all feel too . . . artificial might I say? " The level design is pretty good. I don't think it's "WAY TO LONG.*" It felt like a Sonic the Hedgehog level" IMO the level design is horrible, I don't mean to offend anyone , but maybe you should go play a genesis rom or something and study the level design. You could get a decent sized lvl in tgf if you know what your doing. You shouldnt make it linear , as no sonic level is completely linear.
Posted by Meteorite Capacity 8th July, 2005

That was a cool game. You have potential to enter the SAGE (Sonic Amateur Game Expo), and you've probably heard of that before.
Posted by AndyUK 8th July, 2005

"but maybe you should go play a genesis rom or something and study the level design." You think i havent? The level design isn't great i know i'm just not very good at it. "You have potential to enter the SAGE (Sonic Amateur Game Expo), and you've probably heard of that before." Ive heard of it, but dont know much about it.
Posted by Dustin Gunn 10th July, 2005

Thank God the Positivity Police got here and saved the day for this below-average fangame demo!
Posted by AndyUK 11th July, 2005

dustin, have you ever played a sonic fangame? seriously mate go to SFGHQ and try a few, they all suck. All the ones i tried anyway.
Posted by Dustin Gunn 12th July, 2005

They all suck except Time Attacked and this is no Time Attacked
Posted by ben mercer 12th July, 2005

I'm pretty sure what this guy means by demo is something along the lines of a public beta, so it's bound to be a little buggy.
Posted by The Chris Street 15th July, 2005

This isn't bad. I've seen better, but I've also definately seen a lot worse. I think the level is perhaps a little too long and windy, with the Megadrive Sonic games you always had a choice of routes, and such choices are limited in this. But nonetheless, this shows great potential.
Posted by AndyUK 15th July, 2005

Time attacked has bad level design. Ive played some way better than TA, (try Sonic frenzy adventure) @ Circy. Yeah, i know the level is a little flat at the moment.
Posted by Hagar 16th July, 2005

Yeah not bad but needs polishing...:-).
Posted by Jeff Y 25th July, 2005

Overall, the game wasn't awesome, yet it wasn't bad either. I do like the fact that you did make your own background/tiles for the level, even if they were the best I've seen, the extra effort made to make the game just a little more original counts. The music was average. Given that you're using TGF, you don't have that many options in the way of music that's compact (I'm not sure if you can play MOD files or not through TGF...). The sound effects were there for the most part, no real complaints. One thing I would like to see in the future would be some scenery and little graphical touch-ups. Nothing too major, things such as explosions when a badnik is destroyed, counters that are shaded, ring sparkles, and other small effects really add to a game. That's not too difficult. You'd be surprised how doing little things like that can make a game seem much better. I wasn't able to break the boxes. Spindashing and jumping on them did nothing. I assume this is just something that hasn't been finished.





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