This is the 2nd Demo of a quite a bit more fully fledged engine I am working on. Some of you might recognize it a bit; its a vastly upgraded version of my "Super Mario Galaxy" gravity engine. As it would happen, I am planning to make a FULL GAME out of this engine! But I am not a pixel artist, and the screenshots should show the extent of my abilities. So my main purpose for posting this is (like last time) to find a pixel artist who would love to partner up for a great project!
The engine includes:
360 degree movement, platforming, gravity
360 degree enemies
Grappling hook! Verlet whip!
Lighting engine, parallaxing!
A beastly level editor
For this demo, I actually created the 2nd level in a single sitting! You can do the same and create your own levels with the level editor I provided, though it may not be very intuitive (made it for my own use so far). The game will randomly choose between loading either level, so if you reload the game, you might get to try the *other* level. I hope this demo showcases just how far this engine has come, and what it is capable of. A good feedback I would REALLY love to hear is what sort of FPS you get while it runs; it is very HWA heavy, so older machines might experience terrible slowdown; mine runs it at 50 fps just about everywhere, except when there are many many objects on screen.
Controls are as follows:
CTRL: Attack
ENTER: Pull a friggin Doctor Who?
SPACE: Fire a ring of fireballs
^that one is not part of the engine, its just for stress testing, to see how much the engine can handle before it slows down/crashes
Oh, and please, don't forget to try out the ENTER key. You might think the engine is really cool up until you do it, then I hope it really amazes
Anywho, last bit:
I'm really looking for a pixel artist who would love to work on a game with this engine. I am extremely flexible with what I would be making; I do not have anything specific planned as far as the game itself. To be honest, I'm not merely looking for someone who is just a good artist, but someone who can both draw and has ideas of their own. I'd like to work with someone who can have a vision of the game itself, like plot, setting, etc. Nothing is set in stone so far, besides the things already coded. But another note; I'm quite serious about going ahead and creating a full game out of this, so I'd like anyone interested to make sure they'd have the time and ability to work on a medium-large scale project. Frankly I was thinking something like "Lyle-in-cube-sector" sized, most likely a Metroidvania genre. So yeah, if anyones really interested, PM me or shoot a message down here. Sorry, know I've asked before, but the last attempt at collaberating didn't work out as well as I'd have hoped, but its all good.
oh and ps: I'll be at my cabin most of this week, so don't be alarmed if I don't reply right away! I'll be back in due time, just wanted to get this engine out before I leave!
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