Author: | Disthron
Submitted: | 13th October, 2009
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Miscellaneous
| Downloads: | 282
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Edited By Disthron on 2/9/2011
I was playing around with the ray-casting extension that came out a little while ago. While I was trying to make a window within a level I discovered that if you make a texture with pure black in it it is transparent. You can also set the colour of the ceiling to black witch is how the new sky demo makes the sky.
Anyway, I figured out that if the extension is transparent, you can put another ray-caster extension behind the first one and then, if you use a different map, you can see through the "window" texture.
I basically used 2 different versions of the same map. The one on top has the window textures and the one on the bottom has the walls with the window textures removed.
In this example I made it so the player could go from inside to outside by making an invisible sprite that when the player walked over it, it changed the floor texture to grass and turned off the celling texture. I hid the transition by making both the buildings have 2 doors. When the player goes to open the second door they are too close to it to see the change.
Anyway, I really hop that the author of the ray-casting extension desides to add features like different floor/celling tiles and transparent walls/doors as a native part of the extension. Doing it this way is a lot of fiddling around and it's very buggy and limiting. Wile you can make windows that look from inside to outside I have not found a way to make windows that look from out side to inside. Turning on the ceiling for the inside part also makes the outside part have a ceiling too because the sky is just transparent.
Well, I'm pretty tired right now, so I hope that made seance to everyone. And I hope you enjoy my little example.
------------------------ [EDIT] ------------------------
I have been told that the downloads for my Discaster demos are down. So I have comiled them into 1 zip and re-uploaded them. Discaster 1-4 all point to the same download witch has all the demos.
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http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XSRBXS4K (1.3 mkb )
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