Well... let me see...
When N64 came out it "conquered" the 2nd place after PS1 with the remarkable number of 250,000 sales in Europe against 1,000,000 of PS1!!!!! Yay! wHEN PS2 and DREAMCAST came out it was removed from the market because it did not sale... XBOX was overrunned by PS2 too and... Oh my God! I'm a marketing genius!!! OUAAAAAAAAAAAAAO!
PS: @RADIX - HEY MAN, go wear a starwars suite with cans and stuff AND THEN talk about 12 year old ones, you weirdo!!!
Explain how something that makes a profit can be considered a failure.
Deleted User
28th May, 2005 at 10:27:18 -
Wow... you guys take it all so seriously. Whether you like it or not, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are going to release whatever they will. If you don't like it, you simply don't.
It's not like the world's going to change after you type less than 100 characters .
Hell ya, from a software support perspective, the N64 was a failure, but it still sold well, and had some great games.
Anyway, Salt, you're an idiot, please do shut up.
It makes perfect sense to remake the GBA.
1. It STILL sells like hotcakes
2. It's got a freakin' HUGE amount of games avaliable
3. The DS can't hook up to a cube the same way the gba does (though maybe it will for the rev.)
4. Parts are cheaper, meaning the newer system can be built cheaper than the old one: which brings me to
5. Bigger profits for Nintendo as they continue to sell GBA's to those who don't have/broke theirs at a PROFIT (GBPocket/GBA still the only consoles not sold at a lost)
6. So nintendo can laugh at idiots like you, all the way to the bank.
As for your DS comments, just wait; I personally get the impression that the DS wasn't exactly ready to be released when they did, but they couldn't pass up the chance to beat sony to market, meaning that the developers didn't get a whole lot of time to work on things, meaning; there aren't many games avaliable. But back to my point on this, I figure that the DS will explode once the Rev is closer.
You seem to think that the DS is the new gameboy, well do you see the word "gameboy" anywhere on the system? No? Well that's cause IT'S NOT A GAMEBOY! The next version of the GB should be out sometime next year, and I'm expecting that THIS system will be Nintendo's answer to the psp. (or so they will claim, anyway).
As for the Rev, I've been hearing rumors of a 200 - 150 US dollar price, which I'm betting would be about half of what the PS3/X360 will be. At that price, I may pick one up on launch day; and I'm willing to bet that I wouldn't be the only one.
- Revolution is not going to be a failure.
N64s, i thought, were pretty poor. upto £50 for a game meant that i only ever bought two games. This was also because i got one for my birthday 2 months before they left the scene.
A cool new thing i found out about the REV, apparently all past first-party games are going to be FREE to download.........
I'm not sure wether this is official or not, but from all the n ews items ive been reading on the REV it seems so.
Why would Nintendo give away all its first party games for free when they have virtually no third-party support? That would be stupid.
[edit] "all PAST first party games" ... that I can almost believe, but still I think Nintendo would charge at least a small fee like $10 just to cover the bandwidth and bring in some extra cash.
Yeah, it's only the old console games that'll be free. And it WILL be free, both the downloading and the online multiplay. And wireless, I think. Which will be freaking nuts. Not a hundred percent on that one though.
Nintendo wouldn't save a baby from drowning for free. The way they re-sell old games (on e-Reader cards, then on regular Gameboy cartridges, as extras in other games, etc), I really have a hard time believing they'll just hand out all their classics just to promote their new system. I mean, if they did that, new game sales would suffer, and that's where console makers tend to make their money.
I remind you the EMULATORS... These programs have already given the oportunity to every single pc-user to play NES/SNES/GB games for free. I think that nobody would pay for a service for free-dl-of-old-games; but for a "free" * service like that in the REV... it sounds attractive.
* free = i assume that they will add the cost of this service in the total cost of the console
so where did you get this info that the games were going to be free? Everyplace I've checked still says that they don't know if they are going to charge or not. But hey, if they do charge, I think they should pack in a couple "legacy" downloads with the system, like 10 free game downloads or something.