I'm fine with gay people, they should really have all the rights straight people do in regards to partnership - I'm not gay but I think it's silly to have a problem with what they do/are, it's their life you know, they shouldn't be controlled.
That said, people will always act like this about something; even if gay marriage is allowed there'll be a new issue. There will always be people for and against something, no matter which side is ethically right.
Um... Nobody is born sexually active.
It's something that develops when you hit puberty. So, yes it's entirely possible that it's the environment you grow up in that affects your sexuality.
It's probably also the reason why people develop bizarre fetishes.
Not to start anymore problems but the main supporters of Prop 8 are Mormans. Some of the Christain churches here support gay marriges. I used the word religion because 17% of the prop 8 supporters are Christian the rest are other religions but mostly Morman. I only say this because it seems to be popular to bash Christain beliefs. I support freedom of religion for any religion. I'm not here to bash anyones beliefs I have plenty of gay friends that don't understand me either. I have no problem with gay marriges but I do have a problem with forcing people to change their religious beliefs. I don't even go to church but those who do should be able to praise Alah, Buddah, or whatever they choose. It's sad Sex and Satanic California churches get less flack than Christians. I'm Weird I disliked what I saw going on in the churches but was never tempted to force my beliefs on them. I just stopped going. I do think that they should give gay couples the same rights as married couples though. To me those are the laws that should be changed. All in all though this Prop 8 will hopefully help homosexuals as far gaining more rights for gay couples.