"...We have over 13,000 customers using our product, so we figured, let's take Indie and just give it to everyone. Whether that becomes a cash flow positive or a cash flow negative - and some people will upgrade - is not really important. What's important is to get this in the hands of as many people as possible."
I love MMF and all but this is just great marketing by the Unity team.
Nothing like a camera error that can't be reset by a n00b who didn't do anything to trigger it to ward you away from a software suite.
This looks very intriguing, but they had to go and make the tutorials long wordy slow-loading PDF's. Õ_Õ And apparently it uses a lot of scripting, which kind of... rules me out. For now, anyway. Perhaps I can find someone else who can use it who will help me make some small stuff.
I'd been planning on buying it this Christmas for myself, but now I don't have to!
If clickteam pulled a stunt like this and made gf2 free people would be more willing to learn it, and then upgrade later. Add 3d and iphone support and mmf2 would put unity out of business.
That's the best news I've heard all day! Especially since the trial ran out on me like 4 months ago and I never really got a chance to get a good feel for it.
It is really great that this is free now, i wanted to buy the indie version a while back but decided not to later so im happy i did not buy it at the time now.