Edited By s-m-r on 8/3/2009
*copyleft 2009, let-off studios*
Proud 2nd Place winner of the Summer 2009 Next Gen Competition!
version 1.1 (look in the bottom-right corner of the title screen to make sure you have the most recent version of the game)
HOW TO PLAY: this is a quick-to-learn arcade game, where the object is to destroy five of the obsidian pillars that gradually appear throughout the arena. collect good spirits by touching them, and avoid or destroy the evil ones. to gain more energy, touch the mentor's platform when it glows. do not dawdle; astute players will find the game easier, while those who take their time will see the difficulty accelerate quickly out of control.
TO MOVE: use the joypad or press the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT ARROW keys to move the wizard apprentice in the arena.
TO SHOOT: the wizard apprentice must have at least 1 point of magical energy (displayed in the upper right corner of the screen). press Button 1 on the joypad or the SHIFT key on the keyboard. your wizard's apprentice will shoot in the direction they are facing: left, right, up, or down. attempting to shoot diagonally will not work.
be aware that each shot from the staff of haekon will lower the wizard apprentice's magical power correspondingly. if the magical energy ever reaches 0, the wizard apprentice cannot shoot. however, one can simply collect the glowing yellow spirits to gain more.
TO GAIN MAGICAL ENERGY: glowing yellow spirits will flit about the arena. touch them to collect them using the magical staff of haekon.
TO DEFEAT ENEMIES: there are two types of evil spirits one will see floating about the arena. the weakest are the cloud-like lost spirits, which you can banish with a single hit from a bolt of magical energy.
the second type, known as dark beasts, require several direct hits to banish. these will appear if the wizard's apprentice takes too long to destroy the obsidian pillars.
TO LOSE THE GAME: at the top of the screen can be seen the wizard apprentice's energy level. it will gradually disappear as time goes on. if there is no energy left, then the wizard apprentice will collapse from exhaustion, ending the game.
one can replenish their wizard apprentice's energy by touching the platform upon which the mentor stands, when available. it will be clear that this is possible: the mentor's platform will be surrounded by a nimbus of glowing energy.
there is a price for this boon: touching the platform will increase the wizard apprentice's energy, while depleting them of 100 points of magical energy.
TO WIN THE GAME: periodically, an obsidian pillar will emerge from the ground in the arena. the wizard apprentice must hit these with several direct hits from the staff of haekon. as soon as five pillars have been destroyed, the apprentice succeeds.
once one has completed the game, the challenge mode is available. at the title screen, you must simply do the right thing to activate it. starting the game once challenge mode is activated will introduce another level of difficulty to your quest to wield the staff of haekon.
ABOUT THIS GAME: spirit seeker is a game originally created by SlowMotionRiot Studios (now known as let-off studios) in 2006. it was the first game released by that game studio.
now, in 2009, let-off studios presents a complete remake of that game, with new gameplay elements, an immersive orchestral soundtrack, updated graphics, and special graphical- and sound-effects. it is the hope of let-off studios that everyone enjoys the classic arcade feel and simple game mechanics, and is impressed by the updated visuals, smoother coding, and evocative sounds.
this game was remade for the "Next Gen" competition at The Daily Click website: www.create-games.com
thanks to W3R3W00F for introducing this compo, and for continually extending the deadline so spirit seeker 2009 could be completed on time.
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http://www.let-off.com/software/seeker09.zip (2.31 mkb )