The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Pigeon Power

Pigeon Power
Author: s-m-r Submitted: 28th July, 2010 Favourites:1
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 222

Edited By s-m-r on 10/11/2010

Esther the pigeon goes on a journey of self-improvement and self-discovery...a land where no pigeon has gone before...on a search to fulfill her destiny!

PIGEON POWER is a unique platformer, conceived after a potluck meal and birthday celebration between over a dozen friends in a single afternoon. Everyone contributed something to the effort: original artwork, sound effects, coloured drawings, etc. It was the task of let-off studios to bring it all together in some sort of cohesive whole, and make it an entertaining game, to boot. We've succeeded in this experiment, most definitely.

use the ARROW KEYS/D-PAD to move left, right, and down. Press the SHIFT KEY/BUTTON 1 to jump; at later stages, you can double-jump by pressing the SHIFT KEY/BUTTON 1 again. Press DOWN and the CTRL KEY/BUTTON 2 to drop down from heights. You can also use the CTRL KEY/BUTTON 2 to activate tools and weapons once you are holding them.

PLEASE NOTE: You will need audio capability to play this game correctly. In-game voices are in English, and are pretty much necessary in order to progress.

This is a game suitable for all ages, and for pretty much any skill level. In other words, I know it is dreadfully easy for adept video gamers. It was not designed for your benefit and/or challenge; the game is a collaborative project for a large group of participants, some of whom don't play video games at all.


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Posted by Del Duio 28th July, 2010

I just hope you can poop on people!
Posted by s-m-r 28th July, 2010

DD: nope, this is the "all-ages-appropriate" version. But maybe in the uncensored update...

And thanks for the front page mention, Admins! The game was a lot of fun to make, and I'm happy the art style has attracted some attention. Hopefully, it'll be fun for anyone, instead of just the folks involved in making the game. At the very least, I enjoyed the process, and I want to do it again.
Posted by Del Duio 29th July, 2010

HAHAHA I imagine this is what it's like to be on drugs I guess.

Some things:

-There's a layering issue where the cat goes under the junkyard door.

-I couldn't get the scroll at the top of the pine tree in "Pigeon Skips Town"

-I couldn't move at the start of the Battle of Pigeon Enclave level! Looks like the pigeon's stuck on the pillars and won't budge.


Otherwise, this is funny as hell. The music is great, what a good idea to do it like that. My daughter is laughing up a storm so you must've done something right.

Posted by Del Duio 29th July, 2010

Oops nevermind I can move now, I don't know what happened.

EDIT: Okay awesome that you gave the pigeon grenades and swords and stuff that was unexpected. There's a couple of sound effects issues where the big boss at the end plays the sfx but plays like it 50 million times instead of just once. If you add the limiting condition "+only one time per loop" or whatever it's called that should fix it

I got all the way to the big boss twice but died and had to start all the way at the bottom so I'll have to give it a go later on.
Comment edited by Del Duio on 7/29/2010
Posted by W3R3W00F 29th July, 2010
Rated :

This is the most hilarious Klik game I've ever played! This totally made my day- saved to my games folder and faved.

Thanks for posting!
Posted by s-m-r 29th July, 2010

DD: The group for moving the player activates after the beginning narration ends. So have patience, you'll move soon enough. I use the same trick on all the other levels, but maybe it still has some quirkiness that folks won't ever become used to. Sorry about that...

W3R3W00F: Glad you liked it, man! I'm planning on putting together an "uncut, uncensored" version with all the sound effects and artwork that were left out. There was a lot of material that didn't fit in so well (if you can believe that). I hope to be able to show it all sometime soon.
Posted by s-m-r 29th July, 2010

About the scroll: I chose to leave it there, as the player might need another hint. If you move over top of the scroll after the first narration bit about it, you'll notice you receive another hint.

Besides, where is a pigeon going to store a scroll, I ask you?

Meanwhile: That whole level, "Pigeon Skips Town," reminds me of the strange jumping needed for Iron Sword: Wizards & Warriors II.
Posted by Ski 30th July, 2010
Rated :

Pretty cringey
Posted by s-m-r 2nd August, 2010

That's unfortunate, Adam. Maybe I'll do better for you on my next birthday.
Comment edited by s-m-r on 8/2/2010
Posted by s-m-r 4th November, 2010

Hahaha! Well, at least one other person voted for Pigeon Power as GOTW. I definitely enjoyed making this; it was a grand experiment, and the contributors all had a good time with it.

Looking forward to my next birthday...





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