The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Tutorial ::. 360° Shooting Gallery

360° Shooting Gallery
Author: Sketchy Submitted: 16th August, 2010 Favourites:2
Genre: Tutorial Downloads: 1389
38th Place     (4.62 / 5)

A small collection of examples relating to 360° shooting, including:

* Mouse Aiming & Smooth Rotation,
* Spread Shots & Bouncing Bullets,
* Variable Range & Accuracy,
* Weapon Switching & Ammunition,
* Instant-Hit Bullets & Laser Beams,
* Gravity & (very basic) Destructible Terrain,
* AI - Shoot At Player In Range,
* AI - Shoot At Nearest Instance.

Hopefully this will be useful to someone...

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   (116 kb )

Posted by SevenT2 - [GameStormers] 16th August, 2010

Ah, this is EXACTLY what my mate BaZzMaN needed, he will be a very happy man!
Posted by HorrendousGames 16th August, 2010

Very helpful indeed!
Posted by eyeangle 17th August, 2010
Rated :

This is soooo helpful, AWESOME app!
Posted by phanto 17th August, 2010
Rated :

This covers so much of what a lot of people want to know. Can't rate it any lower than 5.
Posted by Assault Andy 17th August, 2010
Rated :

Really nice work. This will be useful to many people!
Posted by Neuro 17th August, 2010
Rated :

That bouncing bullets example helped immensely, I've been trying to find a formula like that for ages!

Solid, efficient, informative.
Posted by vetmora120 17th August, 2010

Good old Sketchy and his usefulness. Great stuff there, very useful.
Posted by Gokotti 17th August, 2010
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Posted by Willy C 17th August, 2010
Rated :

Really nice
Posted by s-m-r 17th August, 2010
Rated :

Sketchy helped me out with a 360-degree engine a couple years ago, and it has been extremely helpful. Some of the most popular game types can be put together, thanks to your help! This download is a great resource!
Posted by ELC_Games 17th August, 2010
Rated :

Excellent! This will help me greatly with my platform shooting game. You're always incredible at doing these kind of tutorials.
Posted by Kyle Strait 20th August, 2010

): Hey sketchy this may be asking a bit much but is there any way you could make this again but use no extentions for us TGF2 users? ):
Posted by Sketchy 20th August, 2010

I don't have TGF2, so I'm not totally sure what the limitations are (does TGF2 open .mfa files?)

It looks from the Clickteam site, like the only extension I used that isn't compatible with TGF2, was the background system box (and that was purely decorative). I've replaced it with string objects, so hopefully it will be okay now...

Please let me know if it works, and if not, what error messages do you get?
Posted by Sne 22nd August, 2010
Uses only Adv Dir Object, it's possible for it to use no extensions (however it's faster with ADO).

It contains tutorial, movements and shooting galleries. Includes:
* Mouse Aiming,
* Spread Shots & Bouncing Bullets,
* Variable Penetration & Accuracy,
* Wind.

However, it's in Polish, so yeah
Comment edited by RomanX on 8/22/2010
Posted by Rich Datson 23rd August, 2010
Rated :

ew ew ew very good. Showed me some real tricks I needed to know
Posted by Matthew Wiese 24th August, 2010
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Awesome with some possums!
Posted by LoosedHyperion 21st September, 2010

Looks good, but sadly I tried opening it and it crashes every time. I can look at the events but not run the app. Think you have some HWA stuff in there that is stopping me. HWA won't install on my comp
Posted by G. Hull 25th September, 2010

I kind of wish it was combined into one whole engine, because I'm having trouble fixing the bugs when I try to put 'em together. Even so, bravo on this thing, man. It's brilliant.

On a different note: Is this thing open source? Because I have a few ideas in mind for it...
Posted by LoosedHyperion 14th October, 2010

Yep, it's ATan2 stopping me. I can't update to the latest build due to a error on my computer. Won't let me install updates and such. Have no idea why though. And thanks, it would probably work with ADO.
Posted by MeadowHare 25th December, 2011
Rated :

This is amazing, Sketchy! Thank you so much for this file. It helped me so, so much! You're truly an extraordinary coder and helper.
Posted by siven 7th February, 2014
Rated :

Helped me a lot, thanks a ton man!





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