Since Rare went to Microsoft, its been shoveling crap onto dvds. Don't get your hopes up.
Rare put out two games on the original Xbox, Grabbed by the Ghoulies and Conker: Live and Reloaded. The former game didn't do too well, while the later received pretty good reviews.
Rare's 360 games Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero and Viva Pinăta were all very well received.
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
In between bouts of spouting off how awesome they were. They were awesome back in the NES days. Killer Instinct was the only decent game they made in the 16-bit generation. DKC is about the definition of generic.
Blast Corps was fun. Goldeneye and PD were meh. They spent their GC days remaking Zelda in many a flawed fashion.
Nintendo definately got the good end of that Rare deal.
Perfect Dark Zero was a piece of trash. I'm concerned that they're still aparently making Killer Instinct 3, 2 and Gold left a horrible taste in my mouth; and my sucky game sense is already tingling in regards to KI3.
Originally Posted by Knudde (Shab) "Killer Instinct was the only decent game they made in the 16-bit generation." "DKC is about the definition of generic..." "Goldeneye and PD were meh." "Nintendo definately got the good end of that Rare deal." "Perfect Dark Zero was a piece of trash."
When DKC was first displayed, people thought it was a 64-bit game. I don't think it's a bad game, but at its release a lot of it's focus was on the graphics. DKC2 improved a lot on the game. Shab are you talking about the first game or the whole series?
Shab, what's your opinion on Banjo-Kazooie? Diss it and I'll have to call you unpleasant things
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
Nintendo definately lost Rare at the right time. That star fox game blew chunks, and perfect dark zero blew even more chunks, which was a feat considering how good #1 was.
Perfect Dark Zero was utter crap. Unmemorable, too short. They lost that Rare feeling. Kameo was equally poor. I already have Animal Crossing and don't know/care what a pinata is so I didn't bother much with Viva Pinata.
Ever since Jet Force Gemini it's just been a slippy slope for them.
DKC? The whole shebang. It had gameplay from 85 and pretty graphics; which absolutely blinded everyone to the fact that there wasn't a whole lot special about the game. I'm not saying it was horrible; but it wasn't very good.
Banjo? No clue, I'd given up on Rare at that point and never played it; but considering it seemed like Mario64.5, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it. I didn't like Mario64 all that much.