What if you have 4 stars.
4 = Great
3 = Good
2 = Could be better
1 = Bad
And in order to give a 1, you're required to submit a reason why, and you can only do 1 bad rating a day.
1 can have thumbs up or thumbs down. If the ratio of thumbs down beats the ratio of thumbs up after 3 ratings, then that rating is automatically revoked, because obviously a majority found it inappropriate.
2 can have a similar thumbs up or thumbs down, and if the ratio of thumbs down beats the ratio of thumbs up after 5 or 8 ratings, then the person who posted it can choose to either revoke or change it. If the person doesn't respond in a week, the rating is automatically rounded up to a 3.
Sounds like it may take a tad extra work to implement, but it seems solid for a small community like this. It's just a matter of putting it into action and seeing how it fairs.
Hmm, only using would really be the best way to eliminate phizzing () of the rating, that system together with dedicated reviewers would really work great!
I still think some are missing the big picture. People are already rating games at zero. That is not the issue with my proposal. The system is more specific than the current one and that is why it should be used. Not because anyone can still rate low, but so that there is a standard upon which everyone can go by. Right now everyone is rating how they see fit. The problem with that is some people may rate too high or low. There needs to be a balance and that is why we need the review system, because it sets guidelines for EVERYONE to go by.
Yami, you're supposed to let them rate as they see fit Nobody is going to read a fat page on how you're supposed to rate and then pass a test. That means that those people won't vote, and it makes the system useless if nobody uses it.
The review system happened a long time ago, but we changed it because nobody wrote reviews. The thumbs up/down (2 vote) system was done before recently, but the problem with that was that it was too easy to vote and people only voted based on screenshots and comments. I've seen games that had like 6 downloads and 13 thumbs down.
And in order to give a 1, you're required to submit a reason why, and you can only do 1 bad rating a day.
I once gave an official warning to a guy for giving every game a 0 or 1 rating. Then he got banned for further idiocy. So, yeah, that does happen. Some guys have also been given DC-mail warnings for giving 5 stars for a lot game with almost no comment to why they rated it so high.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
well i noticed that every time anyone downloads a game, the count increases. even if that person has already downloaded it. so one person could download it 20 times and the count would be 20.
i think that should be fixed so that a download only counts once per ip address.
and then voting is only available to ips that have already downloaded the game. that would certainly cut back on people just voting based on screenshots and description, and anyone whos just trolling and being a general a-hole, or out of spite "rrrr im mad at you im gunna rate youre stuff 0" (no offense fish20 i think youre ok guy now. )
then we can deal with how the voting system should be.
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
30th September, 2008 at 07:40:43 -
I just tried it, DL count stayed the same.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
cause i just tried it on 3 games. ones that ive already downlaoded today. and the count went up
ok now it wont do it lol.
well now that i think about it, i downloaded those a few hours ago. and the servers time is different than california time by a few hours. so maybe it counts downloads once a day.
but still. the only being able to vote once youve downloaded a game will help.
People can still vote as they see fit, but there needs to be a standard. Without something to go by, none of the ratings really hold any value. Why do you think teachers have a grading system? A teacher does not just randomly give A's and B's to someone who turned in half of the work. Yeah, they are grading how they want, but does that change the fact that the way they grade is flawed? The point is, I am not asking to take away peoples choice, but rather make everyone's decision worth the same.
WHO ARE THESE LAZY PEOPLE that everyone keeps talking about that CAN NOT FILL IN 5 QUESTIONS about the game they just played? This is not asking much at all. Truth of the matter if some people stopped voting it would not change anything, because half of the people on here either vote too high or low. Either way the ratings would be more accurate than the ones now.