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29th January, 2009 at 04:44:57 -

As Dustin said, the amount of users you're likely to see here is directly related to how well Clickteam's products are being used. There are some things the admins can do to cater to new users here, but the source of it all is Clickteam's sales. It's interesting to think about what happened in 2005 that made things take such a downturn here, considering that indie games in general have gained such momentum.

Clickteam seem to be more keen on advertising their products as educational tools and general multimedia authoring software than game creation software, which is a shame because that little £5 Klik & Play trial CD is what sold it all for me.



Crazy for News

29th January, 2009 at 05:20:17 -

Yep I learned about k&p on a pc-format cd wayy back when. Shame they cant promote it like that now.

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29th January, 2009 at 08:35:58 -


My k&p came on floppies! I still have them somewhere, but I haven't owned a PC with a floppy drive in like 6 years



Dedicated klik scientist


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29th January, 2009 at 08:43:52 -

I still have the box my floppies came in. Remember Gracillus V or Romeo or Hungry Hungry Hedgehogs?

Gridquest V2.00 is out!!



VIP MemberThe Cake is a Lie
29th January, 2009 at 11:09:09 -

Who doesn't? .

n/a ...

alastair john jack



29th January, 2009 at 13:05:37 -




What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
29th January, 2009 at 13:16:20 -

I loved Hungry Hungry Hedgehogs!




Oontz Oontz Oontz


VIP Member
29th January, 2009 at 13:24:14 -

Send a mass e-mail out to all users telling them all to come back and see the new site!

Faerie Solitaire - Get it now:


Oontz Oontz Oontz


VIP Member
29th January, 2009 at 13:29:48 -

By the way, everyone bug Jeff about getting the affiliate system up for MMF (I've been doing it for a year but he keeps finding an excuse to put off turning it on ), that way people feel more compelled to tell more people about the products, and sites like TDC that cater to the userbase can get some well deserved profit too.

Faerie Solitaire - Get it now:


Cornwall UK


VIP MemberWeekly Picture Me This Round 43 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 47 WinnerPicture Me This Round 49 Winner!
29th January, 2009 at 18:07:41 -

...and also get them to release an update to allow building as J2ME applet. I honestly think that would attract loads of people almost over-night. It would actually make developing commercial games a realistic proposition. They could even make a bit of money out of it themselves, selling licenses. I don't know why they bothered with the "regular" java version.

Clickteam are so frustrating - they made a really good product, and then they hardly advertise or update it. Can't help thinking they're shooting themselves in the foot...

They should go on "Dragons Den" or something - get a load of money, and someone else who knows what they're doing to handle all the business/marketing side of things.

Edited by Sketchy



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
29th January, 2009 at 20:01:21 -

The last few times they tried to advertise their products wide-scale, it failed and ended up wasting money. They probably don't have enough funds to launch an effective marketing campaign now.

But maybe they do, and they're resting on their laurels.




Master of all things Klik


Has Donated, Thank You!You've Been Circy'd!VIP MemberPS3 Owner
29th January, 2009 at 20:06:11 -

I don't know if this has been mentioned (I'm not reading such a long topic )...

How about some search engine optimisation? This site can use a lot of work seo-wise such as good title tags (Forum topic names in the browser title for example). This will be good for attracting new members, whether they use mmf or not.





Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Mushroom
30th January, 2009 at 02:46:10 -

Well, I think we could have some really awesome project section where everything more organized into stuff such Devlogs,Videos/Trailers,Betas, and etc.

Speaking of which it would be cool to have a videos section. I doubt it would happen, but a TDC tube where videos are actually STORED ON THE SITE (that's why I doubt it would happen lol) would pretty awesome. Irrelivant to game creation vids would be deleted.
One major thing to be discussed is the game quality and standards. Should it be increased or decreased?
With the extremely high quality the games are literally AMAZING. But it takes years for them to be completed... Many times GOTW is not even possible because of the incredibly low entrees.
But nowone likes low quality and bad games. I would rather have 3-4 good games than 50 bad games in one week.

I would really like a happy medium. Where we just have a constant flow of really good, but not great games. Look at Climbing Clife and Rolling Rascals. Well, it devinitely wasn't Mayallayam, but it was still really fun. I would like to just have a couple games like that every week.




VIP Member
30th January, 2009 at 07:43:10 -

I'm in favor of TDC remaining a site dedicated to creators of games. I prefer that it remain a ClickTeam games only site, with loose rules so a few Construct, or GameMaker games would not be minded, but not be eligible for "Best Klik-Made Game of the Month".
Instead there could be another Best game of the month section for things not made with ClickTeam products.
This would also show people how good the ClickTeam's toolsets really are.

Note: There should ALWAYS be a statement of what the game was created with, as this IS a site for those who make games.
TGF1, TGF2, MMF1, MMF2, Construct, GameMaker, RpgMaker (eww), 3d gamemaker, that pinball maker thingy

And I think that games not made with Klik-Interface style products should not be listed on TDC.
There are PLENTY of C++ coding sites out there, but FEW sites that support Klik-Interface designers.

What I'd personally like to see is innovation and renovation.
More help provided to eachother without bias or ego getting in the way.
More OpenSource Engines, and constructive, creative help with the problem at hand.

Things I'm Annoyed by:
1.) Lack of a good download page organisational system. Look at this Article please:

2.) Reading through a ton of bickering and/or joking, me thinking perhaps there's a point relevant to the topic buried there, then finding nothing relevant to topic in the post. (posts irrelevant to the topic) It's a waste of space and the readers' time.

3.) People telling me to do things unrelated to the problem e.g. "use MMF2 instead of TGF1, cause it's better",
"make a platformer, it's easier", "use math (then they show no example of how to do it with math)", and presenting examples in MMF or MMF2 when I have clearly stated that the problem I'm currently dealing with is in TGF1. (would I present you a solution in TGF if you were using Construct? No.) I would give you a solution in TGF1 for a MMF2 problem though as .gam files WILL load into MMF2. .mfa's won't load into TGF1 however.

Oh, and here's an idea, ClickTeam should consider making TGF1 Free and continue flaunting how much better MMF2 is in comparison to it.
Then they'd gain ALOT of new community members who actually want to make games and not just play them, and most will move on after a while and end up buying MMF2.

Those that weren't going to buy MMF2 anyways and just look for free stuff might not purchase MMF2, (at least at first as most are kids anyways) but those impressed by the fact that they can make games easily and see that MMF2 is the newest and best version will snap it up in a hurry. And those kids who got TGF free will purchase MMF2 at a later date anyways, or at least TGF2.

And if they don't use this method that some might call getting children addicted, those kids that want to make games will end up getting a free product like GameMaker or Construct anyway. Plus, hey if it works for the cigarette companies, why not make it work for ClickTeam products right? The idea is to get them addicted while you can ...

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Jason Orme

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2nd February, 2009 at 15:35:44 -

My thoughts are that the expectations are too high now, thus putting people off submitting games.

I remember 6 years ago when the community was much friendlier and accepting of peoples games.

Now people are making such large projects to impress people, but they usually result in either never being finished, or only getting a few more downloads than any other game.

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