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Insane Beaver


Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 Owner
23rd January, 2009 at 11:59:30 -

Quality before quantity, people!



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Candy Cane
23rd January, 2009 at 12:35:09 -

Yeah, you tell them, Chrilley!



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
23rd January, 2009 at 15:32:07 -

TDC would not be TDC without the silly games. I never play them, but this community INSTANTLY becomes unattractive if all we can release are professional games, and other ones are looked down upon.

Edited by OMC





VIP Member
23rd January, 2009 at 16:59:08 -

in reply to OldManClayton: OK, silly/funny games are fantastic and i'd also hate to see only "professional" games on here. What I object to are the people who make games badly on purpose to prove some stupid moral point or to mock the software it was created in. 'Greg the potato' was a perfect, recent example - the creator made it quite clear in the description (even though many didnt 'get it') that he made his game as bad as humanly possible to somehow prove Construct was better than fusion.

It wasnt fun in the slightest and it had no merits or purpose of being here, other than to mock Fusion. (imagine you were a new person to the site and that was the first game you played.)

And most recently, "Pang: the beginning" in the download section on front page right now - the creator says:

"I just thought it was funny how people will spend years making games like Noito Love 2 when, if maybe I added more difficulty, Pang could easily entertain for similar time periods."

So, it's sole purpose was to insult those who put effort into making GOOD software. Downloading and installing (yes it has a full-installer) Pang was a waste of time and i'm sure people who casually visit the site at random and want to check out whats going on here for inspiration or to maybe join the community would soon leave after playing such a game.

Theres a difference between creating silly/fun games to entertain others/yourself and creating mock games just to make a point, hope that clears up what I meant before!

I realise it's been a long-standing tradition of The Daily Click to welcome shit games on the download page with open-arms and give them 5/5 and glowing reviews as an ironic, inside "joke" and say "game-of-the-week" but as long as this tradition continues I don't think the community will grow much because the real joke is the site itself when such games are permitted.


Edited by steve



Possibly Insane


Game Of The Week Cup 1Game Of The Week Cup 2Game Of The Week Cup 3Game Of The Week Cup 4Game Of The Week Cup 5Game Of The Week Cup 6
23rd January, 2009 at 17:11:22 -

Originally Posted by steve
I realise it's been a long-standing tradition of The Daily Click to welcome shit games - - but as long as this tradition continues I don't think the community will grow much because the real joke is the site itself when such games are permitted.

Well, that will alienate only a very small part of potential visitors/members, i.e. some of the "more professional developers". The big masses (relatively big, that is) are still more or less beginners and they will appreciate the fact that the site accepts noobish games. When they see that you don't have to spend months to put something together and get it into the download list, it's much easier for them to begin clicking and interacting with the rest of the community. This enables the userbase to grow - not other way around.

But yeah, I agree with you on those mock games, but I think in the end there are so few of those that it hardly makes a difference.

Edited by MJK




VIP Member
23rd January, 2009 at 17:18:02 -

@MJK OK, you misunderstood me also. I have absolutely nothing against "noobish" games. I welcome and encourage people who are starting out and show their first game off (although for the life of me I never understood why someone would do that! lol)

Nothing against newbies. I only have a problem with the few people (who have probably been here as long as I have) that make MOCK-games or games to insult others or the software, especially when it is so blatant.

Hopefully you know what i'm talking about now



Possibly Insane


Game Of The Week Cup 1Game Of The Week Cup 2Game Of The Week Cup 3Game Of The Week Cup 4Game Of The Week Cup 5Game Of The Week Cup 6
23rd January, 2009 at 17:48:10 -

Yes, those are of course completely useless games, I agree with that, but does it really affect the size of the userbase? I doubt it.



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
23rd January, 2009 at 18:17:19 -

Ah, I see what you are trying to say.

But I really don't think new people will care or even notice the joke/insult! This site isn't really a joke because it allows that. Not at all, in fact. The fact that most of us deal with these things properly shows the opposite, and that we aren't a stingy bunch of people who shoot you down if you try to make fun of us or something we all do. If anything, we should be more worried about people who overreact to these games than the actual makers of the games.

But I agree that those sorts of jokes are uncalled for.

Edited by OMC





Has Donated, Thank You!
23rd January, 2009 at 18:42:12 -

Rikus, you could reposition TDC as being a general indie gaming website. That could get you a lot of visitors. The indie community is pretty big - check out these sites for example:

You could really attract a wide audience being a general indie gaming site, appealing to every single one of those (already large and popular) sites. It'd basically mean posting news about the wider indie gaming community, ranging from new XNA features to interesting indie games like Aquaria, Knytt Stories, World of Goo, and Flow. This is all interesting and relevant to indie game developers, whether you write games in Game Maker or C#. The site would probably need to be restructured if you're serious about accepting a wide variety of tools. For example, you don't want just a big long list of articles. They'd need to be sorted according to whether they're relevant to Game Maker, XNA, C++, or whatever. That's not a problem until you start getting a more diverse range of content, but you'll need to think about it.

Basically, you should widen your focus to include ALL home-made/small-business made games, because globally, there's a LOT happening with all that. Jump on the bandwagon.

- Ashley


What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
23rd January, 2009 at 18:52:54 -

No. Just no. The last thing we need is to generalize TDC. There's nothing wrong with having specialty sites and there are already a crapload of general sites. If you can't tell I feel pretty strongly about this. I come here for click stuff and click stuff only. If this site changes, I won't have anywhere to go.

Shouldn't the phrase "Jump on the Bandwagon" be enough to keep us from doing that?



Dr. James MD



First GOTW AwardSecond GOTW AwardThird GOTW AwardPicture Me This -Round 26- Winner!
23rd January, 2009 at 20:15:22 -

Originally Posted by AshleysBrain

Basically, you should widen your focus to include ALL home-made/small-business made games, because globally, there's a LOT happening with all that. Jump on the bandwagon.

That's exactly it. The last coupld of years have seen the announcement of MS's Yogo (or whatever the hell that really simple looking game making this is called), XNA, Construct. TDC could already support these games no problem.
When someone submits a game to TDC you should have to pick which language/app you developed it in and maybe even have a system to view games made by each app.
But the only problem is going to be letting other people freely posts there games here, free of discrimination of what they were built in (lol, 60's America anywun?) because it might not be so comfy for the first few non-Click members.

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


Megaman Fosho

23rd January, 2009 at 20:41:32 -

I do think we should open up to new people, and apps.
My idea is to STILL be a mainly click website, but not rely on it, open up to other people too!
It might be hard for some people but better for everything as a whole.
Become more indie and less click, but still be a mainly click website.

Your just jealous that you're not as awesome as me.
(And my megaman avatar )


23rd January, 2009 at 22:25:56 -

Has TDC an active IRC channel?

Edited by Torava





Acoders MemberHas Donated, Thank You!May contain nutsVIP Member360 OwnerI'm an alien!Code Monkey
23rd January, 2009 at 23:39:10 -

Used to.. the vitalize and cgiirc chat pages were removed and replaced with the vitalized client a while ago though due to there being next to nobody in there

.: ImageApocalyptic Coders - :.


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24th January, 2009 at 01:37:00 -

I can't join the chat.

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